Had something else to say but it must have slipped my mind

From Pearls Before Swine

My friend just sent me this link – Entire Blogosphere Stunned By Blogger’s Special Weekend Post:

NEW YORK—In what is being called a seminal moment in Internet history, a rare weekend post by 25-year-old blogger Ben Tiedemann on his website bentiedemanntellsall.blogspot.com rocked the 50 million-member blogosphere this Saturday. […]

“Wow, what a special treat this was for all of us,” said Talking Points Memo head blogger Joshua Micah Marshal, who, along with all other bloggers, checks Tiedemann’s site every day just in case something monumental occurs. “I thought I was going to have to wait until Monday to find out if Ben decided to put [the shelf] in his bedroom or the living room. The pictures were great, too.”

What silly folks we bloggers are, eh? And, yet, it’s so addictive.

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