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Who needs oranges when you can just take a bite out of your sister?, originally uploaded by yaznotjaz.
So I’m being blog-interrogated into updating, apparently. I have lots of stories to share (like, ooh, my five-year high school reunion a while back, and my recent hit-n-run hanging out sessions with Barsaat, and other things I can’t stop yawning long enough to remember at the moment, but, don’t worry, I have little scribbled notes on the forgotten things, so they’re not really forgotten), but it’s so much easier to upload photos than it is to sit here and compose lengthy weblog entries. Because you know I can’t do weblog entries without the “lengthy” part thrown in.
Also, I’ll let Barsaat cover the Blogistan meetup portion of it, since it’s always more fun to hear all about one’s home(town/area/state) from another perspective. Plus, she writes awesome travelogues. So go harass her! (And make sure you tell her how much I love her for bringing sunshine to California after all those endless weeks of rain.)
The above photo is of my nieces, when they visited the Bay Area with the rest of the Sacramento contingent last weekend. To see some of the photos I took of the totallyedible nieces and nephew, start here and click “next” on the set to see the, err, next photo. [Some of the photos, where indicated, were taken by my sister a few weeks before that.]