The sunshine, it’s everywhere! Well, almost

and nothing is more powerful than beauty in a wicked world, originally uploaded by yaznotjaz.

[Random small update on last week: Went roller skating last Wednesday with my sister, and the Princess of the Pretty Pants, and another friend who, in our initial meeting, made it amply clear that she is just as crackheaded as we are. Anyway, Princess Pretty Pants and I have come to the conclusion that roller skating and ice skating and skating of any kind is stupid and girly and we are not wussy girls, except for the fact that we can’t handle skating. So next time we have an outing, we’re going to go with the boy activities. Like those mini racecar things, which I’m already gleeful about. Forget this stupid sissy skating. Besides, I fell during skating and hurt my left wrist for the next several days, and I’m quite fond of my left hand, you know. So skating is disgracious. And disgraceful. And ungraceful, if you’re me.]

I spent much of the Thanksgiving weekend (Thursday through Saturday) roadtripping it down to San Diego via Los Angeles (and back) with my family, and I can assure you that the above photograph was not taken in Southern California, because I did not see a single speck of red-orange-yellow foliage in SoCal. They were totally right; SoCal doesn’t have fall colors, kids.

[The above photo is actually of a tree in a bank parking lot in my hometown, in case you’re really interested. Yes, it probably looked weird, some random girl taking fifteen photographs of a quite normal (for NorCal) tree, but I’m infatuated with sunshine colors. And I’m used to weird looks by now.]

In case you didn’t already hate me for living in California and obsessively talking about sunshine all the time, you’re about to dislike me even more intensely once I update for reals, because all I really want to write about it how much I freakin’ love Southern California weather. At least seventy degrees Fahrenheit all day, every day (and even at night in LA), in late November? That’s right! Better than this NorCal gloominess we’ve got going on.

Lengthier SoCal-related update later, and pictures will be uploaded to Flickr when I get around to it. Also, guess which rockstar I randomly ran into at jummah [Friday congregational prayers] at the Islamic Center of San Diego?! (Interro-goodtimes!)

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