of flip flops, feet, fuzzy socks, and small world friendships
Sometimes, in the middle of a hectic day, I’ll stop by a computer kiosk really quickly and check up on this here weblog, and after skimming over the same ol’ title and same ol’ opening line of the topmost post, I’ll think to myself, “Dude, people are hella slacking off. Why aren’t there any new posts up in this joint?” And then I remember, “Err, wait, yeah, I need to update this joint. Dude. Yeah.” And then I hit the refresh button just in case an update has magically traveled from my brain to blogger.com. “Direct connections,” as S and I used to call these brainwaves. Not S a.k.a. “the tight one”, but S a.k.a. my favorite freakazoidal maniac and fellow rebel child who is always missing in action.
(Speaking of Mr. Tight One, Najm‘s warning that he should loosen up or he might break himself seems to have been a rather timely one, seeing as how S was so busy being tight that he tore a ligament in his knee a few days ago while playing basketball. Not only that, he told me today that he removed his ankle-to-knee brace because it was “too ugly.” And not to mention the fact that he’s still been driving all over town and putting weight on his knee like nothing has happened. The kid is insane. Send some prayers and/or good vibes his way.)
I love what a small world it is out there. Only in such a small world would I have discovered just this evening that the “really good friend who’s Muslim” who was profiled by my classmate for an assignment is none other than my co-worker who attends a whole different university, and with whom I had lunch just this afternoon. “That was you?” laughed my classmate. “I talked to him earlier and he mentioned he had been in town to have lunch with some friends close to campus.” The mutual friend would be H#3, he of the orange juice fund fame and sundry workplace hilarities. What are the odds?
EDIT: I forgot to mention, the funniest part about this small world, so far, is that I recently discovered that H#3’s older sister was the girl who inspired my miniature rant against nosy girls and their stupid questions, back in the day. You should have seen the expression on my face the day she stopped by our office to visit her brother and I made the connection.
And speaking of small worlds (my mental tangents aren’t making for a very coherent, concise weblog post tonight, I’m sure), Blogistan rocks das Haus as well. After all, 2Scoops and I know surprisingly many of the same East Bay Area people. And Baji sends me crackheaded mix CDs from across the country. And Abez and Owl have sent Punjabi monkey cards with their own hilariously penned in cartoons, balloon conversations, and comments from all the way across the world. And, just recently, HijabMan mailed me a crazy cool mix CD, based around a – what else? – foot theme, because anyone who has been reading this weblog for any length of time knows that I have an obsession with flip flops and fuzzy socks.
As if I weren’t already an expert at singing along, off-key, to songs I pretend to know, I’m now consumed with singing off-key to songs I’ve never even heard of before in my life. (Not that my knowledge of music was ever that extensive to begin with.) It’s hella fun, though. Thanks, man; much appreciated.
The track listing is below, for all the rest of you who would appreciate some random, smile-inducing crackheadedness in your life:
1. Bubble Toes (Jack Johnson)
2. Head Over Feet (Alanis Morissette)
3. Walking in My Shoes (Depeche Mode)
4. Club Foot (Kasabian)
5. Trampled Underfoot (Led Zeppelin)
6. Walk On (U2)
7. The Walk (The Cure)
8. Dancing Barefoot (U2)
9. Walk This Way (Aerosmith)
10. God Shuffled His Feet (Crash Test Dummies)
11. I Would Walk 500 Miles (Pretenders)
12. Get on Your Feet (Gloria Estefan)
13. Canned Heat (in My Heels) (Jamiroquai)
14. *Bonus* The Kind of FUNK (Stone Soup)
15. *Extra Special Bonus* Big Yellow Taxi (Joni Mitchell)