because i am the queen of fake updates.
I decided the other night that the SoBe NO FEAR drink is one of the better-tasting energy drinks out there. (Wouldn’t it be funny if that was the same day Yaser decided to try out the Monster drink?) And trust me, I should know, since I seemingly enjoy torturing myself by conducting taste analyses of various energy drinks, the taste analysis criteria being based on two standards: Nasty and Bearable. SoBe is bearable. Everything else is nasty. The end.
Today’s commercial advertisement has been brought to you by:
– One week
– Two midterm exams
– One paper
– Zero hours spent on AIM
– Two forums/workshops
– Twenty-seven unread emails
– Almost zero time spent with the coolest sister in the whole world
– Way too many reaction papers
– Two books I did not read for the respective midterms
– Not enough sleep
– Zero weblog posts
Yeah, so I missed all you crazy nerd children. I was browsing through my archives this morning and decided all my meaningful posts were last fall/winter. What IS that. I’ll be trying to remedy that soon. Meanwhile, Somayya bought me a new pair of pants. Black, of course. How many does that make now? Five or so, I think. Clearly, I need to INVEST in a new color scheme. Not pink, even though my new goal is to learn to like to wear pink.
Okay, enough girly-ness. Back to the paper-writing. Non-fake updates coming soon to a weblog near you. The end.