by default S: Yeah, so you two sorta look alike…

by default

S: Yeah, so you two sorta look alike, you know?

Somayya: :sarcastic: Yeah, I wonder why.

Yasmine: No way.

S: Yeah, isn’t that funny?

Yasmine: Very.

A: :to S: You do know they’re cousins, right?

S: Oh my God, are you serious?

Somayya: Wait, you really didn’t know?

Yasmine: You’ve known us for a year. How could you not know this?

S: Why didn’t someone tell me?!

Yasmine: :dies laughing:

[Later] –

S2: Hey, so I saw your cousin’s article in Awaaz!

Yasmine: Yeah, she had a poem in there.

S2: No, no, it was an article.

Yasmine: Umm, I submitted an article. And, yeah, we both have poems printed in there.

S2: I thought she wrote an article.

Yasmine: :raises eyebrow: Please don’t tell me you’ve gotten our names confused.

S2: No! I know you’re Yasmine!

Yasmine: Mm-hmm.

S2: Right?

(This is the same girl who, at our initial meeting a year ago, told me I was “the first un-fake Muslim she had met on this campus.” Flattering, but I’m not quite sure how to accept compliments from the ditziest Muslim I’ve ever met, complete with the annoying Valley-girl speech patterns. Can someone, like, please press the “mute” button already? And now I’m being mean and I should shut up. Okay, bye.)

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