like a good book, i can’t put this day back The…

like a good book, i can’t put this day back

The last term paper is due Monday afternoon and the last final exam is scheduled for sometime Tuesday (I really should figure out the exact time, shouldn’t I?), and then I’m free for a week. One week during which I’m going to do nothing but lie in the sunshine and read books. And sleep a lot. And have reunions with old high school people – but only the rockstars though. The ones who thought it was highly entertaining to repeatedly ask me where Aladdin was will just have to wait a few more decades to see me again, by which time I’ll have hopefully come up with some witty retorts.

And have I mentioned sleep?

Not that any of y’all even care, but here’s my planned reading list for the week of spring break:

The Unknown Errors of Our Lives, by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

An American Brat, by Bapsi Sidhwa

The Mango Season, by Amulya Malladi

A Breath of Fresh Air, by Amulya Malladi

– A Prayer for Children, by Ina Hughes

The Storyteller’s Daughter, by Saira Shah

Dreaming Water, by Gail Tsukiyama

Train to Pakistan, by Khushwant Singh

Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston

I Sweep the Sun off Rooftops, by Hanan al-Shaykh

A Man to Match His Mountains: Badshah Khan, Nonviolent Soldier of Islam, by Eknath Easwaran

Women of Sufism, A Hidden Treasure: Writings and Stories of Mystic Poets, Scholars, & Saints, selected by Camille Adams Helminski

This list is more for my recollection purposes than for your edification anyway, so stop rolling your eyes. And who says I can’t get through this entire list in one week? Actually, even I probably can’t, but that’s not the point. Not that I even remember what the point was anymore. And, in reference to the above list, I’m not quite sure how to explain my newfound interest in what I laughingly call “ethnic” novels, but I suppose it’s related to the over-abundance of English and American literature I already possess. Change is a good thing, sometimes.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go calculate exactly how much money I owe in public library fines.

DISCLAIMER: I don’t do book recommendations. Read at your own risk.

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