everything I ever took for granted/i want to see i…

everything I ever took for granted/i want to see it through

I am currently in the process of designing a flyer – based around a gorgeous painting/collage (the scanner doesn’t do it justice, and, of course it’s the machine’s fault, not mine) by my sister – for my internship workshop and I have finally metaphorically thrown up my hands in exasperation and decided that both Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator can go straight to hell.

Why I even have the Adobe Illustrator file open in the first place, I don’t quite rightly know, since all I’ve done is stare at it wide-eyed for the past fifteen minutes. Clearly, my creative talents do not lie in the design area.

But I’m going to figure all this out, oh yes, I will.

After I finish eating the rest of my white cheddar cheez-it crackers and check my emails a few more times.

[p.s. The flyer is related to a workshop I’m putting together, regarding “Identity Formation & Self-Esteem.” I want to make that the subtitle, but I still need a short, catchy main title. Give me some ideas, please. Quick, quick! Much appreciated.]

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